In this episode, we examine the instruction and encoded information in DNA. It is instructions for creating an organism. This is information with intent. How can it come about without an intelligence that...
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Happenstance? Providence? Luck? Give it your name but somehow 2 seismic forces came to to form a synergistic alliance like I have have never seen. God has designated me The Seed Sower. One...
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The book of Genesis has the origins of many cultural questions that we face in America and in our world today, and it is home to the foundation of so many Christian doctrines!...
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All of you know — and were thrilled by — the Seven C’s of History revealed on a huge wall poster sold by ol’ Hambo’s gift shop. We described it in Ten-Foot Wide...
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James Randi in Memoriam, 1928–2020 James Randi in Memoriam, 1928–2020 Michael Shermer: James Randi & the Skeptical Movement Daniel Loxton: James Randi, Skeptic Extraordinaire The Inaugural Session of the Distinguished Science Lecture Series:...
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Here is a modest attempt to summarize the main scientific evidences for design in our world, for those who have been told that such evidence does not exist.
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“Religious fundamentalist group "Truth in Science" are the UK arm of the Discovery Institute, a creationist lobbying group, and are sending these anti-trans DVDs to schools in the UK.
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As if there were any doubt that U.S. President Donald Trump has no respect for scientists, he now refers to public health scholars as “Fauci and all these idiots.” That's how he's describing...
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Our staff at the Eden Animal Experience at the Creation Museum loves to incorporate aspects of each season into enrichment activities for our animals. The fall months are no different.
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The Grand Canyon is well known for its remarkably horizontal layers, especially as viewed from the rim. But venturing outside of this National Park (or even down into the canyon), you’ll find…
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Biologist Michael Denton’s new book, The Miracle of the Cell, considers the scientific evidence for intelligent design from a new perspective and at a new level. As with his previous books, it’s a...
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What atheists and materialists can’t explain is why this fitness is so special, so unforgivingly precise and intricate, at every stage on the journey to us.
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Nick Fuentes takes creationism to strange new places and makes fun of scientists or as he calls them lab coats. Click▼ If you enjoy what you see and hear...
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It was less than three weeks ago, so you probably remember when the Discovery Institute was gushing and gloating that a respected journal had published an article about intelligent design. When it …
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“Abortion is a shocking blight on the USA & the whole world. It's evil, being child sacrifice to the god of self. God hates "hands that shed innocent blood" Proverbs 6:17. How could...
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Jeśli pragniesz wspomóc/pobłogosławić moją służbę tłumaczenia, nagrywania nr konta jest poniżej. Dziękuję! To dzięki Tobie jestem w stanie kontynuować mój kanał :) /tłumaczy Abi Lopez/ Możesz skontaktowac sie z nami:
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This is Graham Hancock’s most recent book, a follow-up to Magicians of the Gods, painstakingly evaluating the evidence that hints at a lost civilization in deep antiquity (Atlantis?) 6:38 Young-civilizationism, the new dogma...
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We've all heard the theories: young earth, gap theory, day age, progressive creationism, framework theory, theistic evolution, and others. Can a Christian adopt any of these views without consequence in their faith? What...
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We were shocked — shocked! — when we read the newest post by Ken Ham (ol’ Hambo) — the ayatollah of Appalachia, the world’s holiest man who knows more about religion and sci…
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Steve Hess & Southern Salvation have the honor of being the resident artist at The Ark Encounter and perform at the Answers Center Theater almost 400 times a year. "Three Beating Hearts" was...
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